Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I want to be loved, but you don`t seemto love me,
I wander within that repetition,I found one answer ;
that even if i`m scared,even if i`m hurt
I can say `I love you` to the personwho I love
Do you love me? Or not love me?

As for things like that, it`s already
fine either way
No matter how I wish
There are many unchangeable things
in this world, right?
That`s right, and because only thefact i`m loving you
Is the true unchangeable by anyone

I want to overcome the thousands of nights and tell it to you
There`s something I must tell you
I want to be loved, but youdon`t seem to love me,
I wander within that repetition,I found one answer ;
that even if i`mscared,even if i`m hurt
I can say `I love you` to the personwho I love

It`s scary to turn my feelings intowords
But I can say `I love you` to the person I love

So we smile,
sing about the vividly passing autumnin do-re-mi
Turn out backs in winter,
wait for the sunlight steramingthrough trees in spring
And become reborn new,
so than we canprotect someone
On the path we came from and ourdestination,

When we looked back,
I`d always have timid eyes
I want to face you, but I can`t to behonest,
I who repeated days of not being able
to straightforwardly love my partner
And hated being alone on that day
Seemed to love people while unwounded
I`ll owercome the thousands of night go meet you now

There is something that I must tell you
I want to be loved, but you don`t seem to love me
I wander within that repetition,I found one answer ;
that even if i`mscared,even if i`m hurt
Even if those thought aren`t fulfilled
I can say `I love you` to the person who I love
It`s the most wonderful thing in thisworld

1 comment:

Sharifah Hassan said...

sedihnya lagu nih..tapi ramia macam ni kan...huhuhuh.

Aik..kita serupa!